The LexusConnected App
seamless accessibility and connectivity to your vehicle
Features of the Lexus Connected App¹ allow you to locate your car in a busy carpark, monitor your fuel levels and ensure your cabin's climate is comfortable before you even get moving — all from your mobile phone.
You'll need to register, set up and get connected to your vehicle. These videos will help you set up your Lexus Connected App, as well as a step by step guide to get your app connected to your vehicle. If you need some help, you may find your answer in the frequently asked questions.
01.The Lexus Connected App supports vehicles with a
Build date from 2009 onwards, with or without Lexus
Connected Services. A range of vehicles are
equipped with Lexus Connected Services. Features
vary by model. Fees & limitations apply. See
lexus.com.au/connectivity for more information.
Complimentary period ends 3 years from delivery
date. Fees may apply thereafter. See
lexus.com.au/connectivity. Requires activated DCM
(until the earlier of 2033 or Telstra 4G sunset),
compatible device, app installation/connection, third
party info, mobile data, Australian network reception,
GPS signal, enabled push notifications and other
factors outside Lexus’s control which can limit
functionality. Mobile usage at user's cost. Features
vary depending on vehicle model & subscription
choice, and subject to change. For details, see